Who am I?

Friday, December 26, 2008

Hello everyone! I'm Ritzchelle, 19 years old who lives somewhere in the Philippines. I am a nursing student and will be graduating this coming March. My hobbies are blogging, playing online games, listening to classical music and sleeping. I am an anime lover. My favorite anime movie is Naruto and Neon Genesis Evangelion.

I have 2 brothers and 4 sisters. I am happy that I have a family even though they are not that perfect. I am more thankful that I have a God who cares for me. Well, there you got. That's all for now!


/baca /bye /ding /hore /joget
/kembik /love /marah /melet /mencak
/nangis /ngayal /puyeng /serem /stres
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